Sunrise Fleetwood
On November 5th, Professor Richard Rubin spoke to a packed room at Sunrise Fleetwood.
Following the talk, there was a lively Q+A.
Atria Rye Brook
Atria Rye Brook was thrilled to hear from Professor Richard Rubin on October 24th.
Based on the success of his first talk, Atria Rye Brook has already scheduled Professor Rubin’s return. They look forward to his second talk which will focus on immigration and the immigrant experience.
Atria on the Hudson
On September 26th, Professor Rubin presented his views on Jewish identity in America
– past and present – to an engaged audience at Atria on the Hudson in Ossining.
Sunrise of Stamford
After a successful first event, Sunrise of Stamford welcomed Professor Rubin for a second talk on September 19th
Residents greatly enjoyed the second talk which focused on immigration, past and present, and the immigrant experience.
Atria Riverdale
On September 9th, Professor Rubin presented to the residents of Atria Riverdale.
Residents gathered to hear Professor Rubin present his latest book on Jewish identity in America.
Atria Briarcliff Manor
On August 12th, Atria Briarcliff Manor welcomed Professor Rubin for a second lecture,
this one focused on immigration. Residents enjoyed the informative lecture and Q+A that followed.
Kittay Senior Apartments
On Wednesday, August 7th Professor Rubin addressed residents of Kittay Senior Apartments
about the findings and insights from his latest book. He emphasized the overlap of Jewish and American values and the importance of the intersection in the country today.
Residence at Summer Street
The Residence at Summer Street said Professor Rubin’s talk on July 24th was a wonderful event.
Residents greatly enjoyed the presentation and engaged in a robust Q+A.
Sunrise of Stamford
Sunrise of Stamford was delighted to welcome Professor Rubin on Monday, July 22nd.
The lively conversation between residents and Professor Rubin demonstrated great interest in his latest book.
Bristol Armonk
The Bristol Armonk welcomed Professor Rubin on July 8th.
Residents learned about the intersection of Jewish and American identity since the country’s founding, and conversation was robust.
Atria Stamford
On Tuesday, May 16th Professor Richard Rubin addressed residents of Atria Stamford for an informative presentation on Jewish identity in America.
A lively Q & A followed during which Professor Rubin connected the immigrant experience of Jewish Americans to the experiences of immigrants coming to the US today.
The Bristal White Plains
The room was full on May 9th as residents of The Bristal White Plains gathered
to hear Author Richard L. Rubin discuss his latest book about the Jewish immigrant experience over the past 200+ years and how it has shaped Jewish identity in America. He cites distinct voting patterns, child rearing and other social behaviors of American Jews in America and concludes that the unique blending of Jewish and American values creates a strong Jewish identity which bodes well for the American Jewish future.
The Ambassador of Scarsdale
On May 3rd residents of The Ambassador of Scarsdale gathered to hear author Richard Rubin speak about Jewish identity in America.
The presentation addressed the convergence of Jewish and American values experienced by today’s American Jews, and the importance of that convergence in shaping a strong Jewish identity.
Temple Israel of Northern Westchester
On Tuesday, April 30th, Professor Richard Rubin addressed 40+ congregants at Temple Israel of Northern Westchester
during a morning study session. Congregants listened intently to Professor Rubin and engaged in a robust conversation about the history of Jews in America and how it has shaped their current Jewish identity. Participants left with a sense of hope that Jewish identity in America, while moving toward the non-traditional, is alive and strong.
Atria Briarcliff Manor
The Atria Briarcliff Manor welcomed Author Richard L. Rubin on April 18th.
Over 30 residents gathered to hear Author Richard L. Rubin talk about his latest book on Jewish identity in America past and present. Residents greatly enjoyed the presentation and the Q & A that followed.
Willow Towers
Residents of Wlllow Towers in New Rochelle, New York, were delighted to hear from author Richard Rubin
on November 5th, as he discussed Jewish history and identity in America. Professor Rubin expressed optimism for the future of Jews in the US despite rising intermarriage rates. Residents had good questions and engaged Professor Rubin in conversation well past the time the presentation was supposed to end.
The New Jewish Home Sarah Neuman
The audience in the auditorium at The New Jewish Home Sarah Neuman in Mamaroneck, New York, was abuzz
as author Richard Rubin presented a message of hope for the future of Judaism in the US. When asked about shrinking in-marriage and rising intermarriage rates, Professor Rubin suggested that Jewish Americans have a distinctly Jewish identity forged from the values of both Judaism and Americanism. Professor Rubin took questions from the audience, and the conversation was enjoyed by all.
Kaplan JCC on the Palisades
On October 16th, author Richard Rubin addressed the REAP (Retired Executives And Professionals) Program at the Kaplan JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly, New Jersey. REAP Program Director Arlene Kahn described the presentation as “excellent…a huge success…the audience was captivated.” The presentation was followed by a robust Q & A, with many inquiries and interesting conversations about Jews in America, the immigrant experience and Professor Rubin’s optimistic outlook about the future of Jewish identity and continuity in the US.
Eager for good news about Jewish identity and continuity, 30 members of Temple Israel Center-White Plains gathered
on October 14th, to hear author Richard Rubin discuss what makes American Jews unique and how this portends well for the American Jewish future. Drawing upon research for his book Jewish In America: Living George Washington’s Promise, Professor Rubin presented data on voting patterns, child rearing practices, and other beliefs and behaviors, which set American Jews apart from their non-Jewish contemporaries, and which suggest Jewish identity is currently strong in the US. Following the presentation, the audience had lots of questions, which made for an engaging back-and-forth and a great morning for all who attended.
On October 8, 2018, author Richard Rubin was the featured speaker as part of the Renard Series
at the Shames JCC on the Hudson in Tarrytown, NY. The audience listened intently as Professor Rubin presented his unique insights into the Jewish American experience, the history as well as current social practices, including religious observance, voting patterns and child-rearing habits. A spirited Q & A followed the presentation, and attendees were happy to hear Professor Rubin’s particularly positive point of view on the future of Jewish identity in the US. The Shames JCC’s Renard Series brings lectures, concerts, and art exhibitions to the Shames community every week. It is open to the public and geared toward people 50 years of age and older seeking a great cultural and intellectual experience.

The Hebrew Home at Riverdale
Over 100 people attended Professor Rubin’s talk in the Biederman Library at The Hebrew Home at Riverdale on August 20th.
Everyone listened intently as Professor Rubin discussed identity among American Jews. The audience thoroughly enjoyed the presentation and the robust Q & A which followed.
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Over 60 members of The Westchester Jewish Center in Mamaroneck, New York, gathered on Monday evening, May 14th to hear author Richard Rubin discuss his latest book and the status of Jewish identity in the US today:
There were plenty of smiles in the audience as Professor Rubin presented his uniquely optimistic point of view about the future of Jews in America. In the face of increasing intermarriage and decreasing religious observance and affiliation, American Jews are distinct from other population/religious groups in their voting patterns, child rearing practices, attitudes toward social justice, and more.

Temple Sholom of Greenwich
Author Richard Rubin was the featured speaker at Temple Sholom in Greenwich, Connecticut on Tuesday evening, May 8th:
The presentation by Professor Rubin was based on his latest book, Living George Washington’s Promise, and sparked a lively discussion about the convergence of Jewish and American identities for today’s American Jews. Following the presentation, members of the audience continued the conversation, introducing themselves to Professor Rubin and asking him many questions. Temple Sholom is celebrating its 100th Anniversary.
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New York City’s 92Y
At New York City’s 92Y, Rabbi Peter J. Rubinstein of the Bronfman Center for Jewish Life interviewed author Richard Rubin on October 17, 2017, about his book:
Over 50 people gathered to hear the provocative conversation, which examined the American Jewish experience and how it might help other minority groups navigate the recent rise in discrimination. Other topics included intermarriage, the tensions between Israel and American Jews, and the impact of Jewish culture on America, all of which sparked many questions from the audience.

Sid Jacobson JCC
On October 10, 2017, the Sid Jacobson JCC in Greenvale, Long Island, hosted author Richard Rubin as keynote speaker at their Adult Education luncheon:
The presentation on American Jewish identity resonated with the audience, as author Richard Rubin discussed how American Jews continue to be shaped by Jewish and American history, culture and religion. A robust Q&A followed the presentation.
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The Jewish Week
A Counter Narrative For Jewish Americans
The story is familiar. The benefits of America’s open society have led to increasing intermarriage and declining religious observance, leading to a dilution of Jewish identity and a threat to Jewish continuity…

Hadassah Magazine
An Optimist’s View of American Jews
Jewish in America is a work of history that is as much about the future as it is about the past. In much of the book, author Richard Rubin details American Jewish history from colonial times to the present, highlighting the uniqueness of the American Jewish experience.
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The Jewish Standard
Historian Richard Rubin Engages Teaneck-Hadassah in Lively Conversation
On June 19th Teaneck-Hackensack Hadassah welcomed author Richard Rubin to its Annual Author Event at Congregation Beth Sholom in Teaneck, New Jersey. Hadassah members, supporters, and friends gathered for a lively discussion about the fusion of American and Jewish values, and how it has affected Jewish identity in America today. Rubin was also featured in an article in the local Jewish Standard-Times of Israel in New Jersey.
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Association of Jewish Libraries Reviews
Over the course of the past half century, many different histories of American Jewry have been published. What makes this book different is the perspective of the author, Richard Rubin.
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Senior Adult Jewish Education at Community Synagogue of Rye welcomes author Richard Rubin:
Seniors at Community Synagogue of Rye had a lot to say at their May 11th luncheon. A roundtable of about 20 SAJE (Senior Adult Jewish Education) members engaged in stimulating conversation with author Richard Rubin about his new book and the state of Jews in America today.

Author Richard Rubin addressed over 100 members of a private club in Mamaroneck, New York, at their Men’s and Women’s Book Club Luncheon on December 9, 2016.

Jewish in America
Richard Rubin, author of “Jewish in America: Living George Washington;s Promise,” will speak at JCC of Mid-Westchester…

Over 90 people gathered on December 5, 2016, at the JCC of Mid-Westchester in Scarsdale, New York, to hear author Richard Rubin discuss his new book.
The event aired several times on Jewish Broadcasting Services Television during January 2017.

Westchester Jewish Life
Are American Jews Losing Their Jewish Identity?
While community leaders cite declining religious observance and rising rates of intermarriage as evidence that Jewish Americans are losing a sense of themselves as Jews…